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Infant Massage {Fort Collins Photographer}

Yesterday I was invited to observe and photograph one of Valerie DeMasi’s  infant massage classes. I had no experience whatsoever with infant massage and really had no idea what to expect when I got there.

Valerie, the owner of Baby Bodywork, walked the parents through the basics of infant massage and how to listen to your child when they are still unable to speak. I love the idea of respecting that your infant has an opinion and learning to understand what they are telling you through body cues. The babies were pretty chill by the end of the class and I was wishing I had time that day to go get a massage myself!

This is Amanda DeAngelis of Nine Births Childbirth Services. She organized this event and is also a childbirth educator and birth doula. I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Valerie has also made her own massage oils geared specifically towards babies. It smells wonderful and is made completely out of food-grade oils. On her website she offers  different packages for colic, sleep, reflux and constipation. Massage kits come with a Kit Book, with specific massage instructions, a 1 oz. bottle of hand-crafted massage oil and a beautiful bag, to keep the kit together.

Thank you to Amanda and Valerie for having me there!


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