Categories: DoulaPhotography

Karen Strange – Neonatal Resuscitation Workshops

When Karen Strange contacted me about using some of my birth photographs for her new website I was excited, when we agreed that I should come and photograph a workshop here in Colorado I was down right giddy! Not knowing what to expect, I read the workbook, took the online test and prepared to settle in for a day of learn about neonatal resuscitation.

Karen’s workshop is so much more than teaching the techniques of neonatal resuscitation. It is also about the birthing process, understanding the baby’s experience and the “Simple Tools” for helping babies integrate their birth experience when things do not go as planned, such as in a resuscitation, a long labor, or if some intervention occurs.

The part that hit home most for me was when she talked about how important the first hour after birth is. Oxytocin is the highest it will ever be during that first hour and it is an important time for family bonding. We are so quick to pick up the cell phone, call family, grab our point and shoot and go crazy with flash-filled photos, and are not fully present in the moment. As a birth photographer this really struck me. Here is a perfect example how having a professional birth photographer can allow your family to be fully present and experience the birth and bonding without feeling you are missing documenting the moment. Respect for the environment, the new life and the mother requires everyone to slow down and be present. When you hire a photographer make sure they know how to preserve that space and limit distractions.

Even when I am photographing a birth, most parents take cell phone pictures or even pictures with their point and shoot. I understand their excitement, you want to share your happiness with the world. Going forward I am going to stress the importance of this first hour with my doula and photography clients. Your family waited nine months for this birth, they will be able to wait one more hour to hear your joyful news.

I HIGHLY recommend all birth workers take Karen’s workshop! You can check out her website and fabulous resources at


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