Birth of Josephine – Denver Birth Photographer

I really thought I was going to miss this birth. I had just ordered lunch and I got the call that mom was 9 cm dilated! I ran out of the restaurant and prayed for no traffic. Sure that I was going to miss this birth, I ran into the hospital, camera in hand and probably looked like a crazy person to the others on the elevator.

Birth is unpredictable. I didn’t miss the birth, and actually made it with about five hours to spare.

Mom’s water had broken the day before and she had been laboring for two days, while not having cervical checks. That is why I got the call so “late.” Her contractions were spaced about 8 minutes apart her whole labor.

She had an awesome support team with her, which really made me hope that my daughter will have a sister soon. University of Colorado Hospital was amazing, allowing mom to labor on her own, in a birthing pool (which they allow the mom to give birth in). The midwives and nurses were amazing and respectful, I highly recommend University Nurse Midwives (UNM).

Thank you to the family for hiring me to document this exceptional day in your family.





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