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Copyright Infrigement = Theft

Did You Steal Something?

During the past month my Facebook group feeds have been filled with examples of photographers who have had their work stolen. First it started out as images that were turned into paintings, then others that were turned into Internet memes, then unauthorized use of images on a company’s marketing material, and this week it has been about other photographers taking copy (text) or even whole blog posts and calling it their own.

Let’s be really clear, just because an image or text is on the Internet or posted on Facebook, does NOT make it free for you to use. If used without permission you can be sued and face fines. Don’t think those things can happen to you? Check out this article from Roni Loren that details how you can make sure you are not breaking any laws.

The fact that I am even writing this makes me frustrated and sad, especially when dealing with birth or children photography. These are intimate moments the family has allowed to be shared and even if you think you are flattering them by using their image, it is not okay!

The Internet has made the world a very small place with a lot of information and images available at the tip of our fingers. As easy it is to find images and information you would like to use the creator of the work can find who is stealing their work.  Respect the creator of the work. Look for inspiration, but make it your own. Your clients deserve to hear your voice.

If you want to see any of your content has been used without your permission check out –

You can search for images but dragging your image into the Google Image Search Box. –

Cease and desist forms can be found via Rachel Brenke –

Learn about Creative Commons Licenses to find work that you can use legally –


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