On A Personal Note – Lyons, CO Maternity Photographer

30 Weeks Pregnant

To the clients I have recently worked or met with it is pretty clear that I am pregnant, 30 weeks and 4 days to be exact. I haven’t shared because I wanted the focus of my work, blog and Facebook to be my clients, but as my due date grows closer and I finish up a wedding, a birth session, baby photo shoot and a couple maternity photo shoot I thought it would make sense to let everyone know I will be taking a break the end of July through the beginning of August.

This is my third baby and I will be delivering in Boulder, CO using the the Boulder Nurse Midwives. I had my first official appointment since we moved to Lyons, CO and I loved the experience. I have photographed births where they were the primary care giver and loved the experience and it is wonderful to be so comfortable and confident with them while being on the other side of the camera. 

Yes, I will have a birth photographer and doula at my birth if the timing works out to my advantage. My last two labors were fast (5 hours and 2 hours) so I am hoping for a long enough labor that I can mentally prepare for what is about to happen and have all my birth team there. Kim Rodgers of Brink Street Photography will be photographing and Amanda DeAngelis of Nine Birth Childbirth Services is my doula.


I will be booking more sessions starting in mid-August so please contact me if you are interested.

© Sarah Boccolucci Photography



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