Categories: BirthDoula

Dear Cesarean Birth Mom

Dear Cesarean Birth Mom,

If you are a regular reader of my website and blog you will know that I limited how much I share about the births I attend. I am there either as doula to support and educate and as a birth photographer/videographer to document. It is not my job to add commentary or tell the story of your birth, only you have the power to do that. Frankly, I am not that good a writer, my pictures are able to convey more than my words ever could.

Even though I believe your birth is not mine to add words/meaning/emotions to I want you to know how I see you and your family.

I witnessed how hard you worked through out your pregnancy and long, exhausting labor. You were amazing. You were beautiful.

I saw the fear in your eyes when you had exhausted all your options. I saw your partner holding back tears so he could be strong for you. I saw the look of relief that a difficult decision had been made and soon you would be holding your baby.

I was with you when you decided during your pregnancy that this was the best, safest, necessary way for you to birth your baby. I saw how you worried what others would think. I saw how you rejoiced in your decision. I saw how the decision scared you.

I waited just outside the operating room with your partner, acknowledging the fears they didn’t want to share in the room with you, walking them through what was going to happen, and letting them know it was going to be okay.

During your birth I saw your child come into this world via the skilled hands of your OB and cared for by a staff of nurturing nurses, cheering you and your baby on. I watched those magical moments when your baby was brought over for you to see and touch  for the first time. I held your hand when you weren’t ready yet to hold your baby and also cheered you on when you advocated for skin-to-skin in the OR.

In recovery I watched you find your voice and ask for your baby to be brought in from the nursery now, not when paperwork was finished, and I beamed with pride.

I saw how tired you were but excited as the baby you had just birthed, latched on for the first time and your nursing relationship started. I witnessed the gratitude towards the nurses when they brought you extra pillows to make nursing easier.

I saw the joy in your eyes, the love in your heart and exhaustion in your smile and tears. Your emotions surrounding your birth are valid and true. I hope you can let go of any guilt you feel and ignore those that want to lessen your experience becoming a mother.

This may not be your exact experience but the overall feelings and emotions I feel at your birth are the same. Your strength and love are not diminished because you gave birth via a cesarean. As a doula and birth photographer I want you to know that I witnessed the love that surrounded you and your baby as you gave birth. There are no words for the gratitude I feel for you having chosen me to be part of that journey.

All births are beautiful, your birth was beautiful.




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