Categories: Birth

A Cesarean Birth In Photographs

Recently I was able to photograph (through a window of the operating room) the birth of a sweet little boy. No matter how babies come into this world it is always breathtaking. I am truly amazed at every birth I photograph and this one is no exception.

Sarah Boccolucci is a birth photographer and videographer serving Boulder, Fort Collins and Denver, Colorado.


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  • damn. i was a c-section baby myself, and i have never thought to look up images of what exactly that meant for my mother, who is no longer here to tell me about it. this imagery, although sometimes hard to look at, really shows the pain some women go through and the strength that it takes to have the title 'mother'. thanks for reminding us that.

  • Wow! these are really special! You can see every step of the process-- I never imagined it in such explicit detail!

  • Wow, these are amazing birth pictures! I had a c-section myself but wasn't able to see what was happening on the other side of the curtain and this was actually the first time I've ever seen one captured in pictures. Gives me the chills. Great job capturing these through a window

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