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The Home Birth of Lincoln, Longmont Colorado Birth Photography

On Christmas morning I woke up to the call that baby was coming. I know it wasn’t the ideal day but babies come when babies want to come. I had prepared my own children that it was a possibility and we made a plan to have Christmas afternoon, rather than a big Christmas morning. When you work in the birth world you always know it was a possibility to miss holidays or events but I cannot imagine a more magical way to spend that Christmas morning. I arrived at 7:00 in the morning to find that the family had opened gifts with their older daughter and mom was laboring quickly in her bedroom. The mood was relaxed and quiet. The snow started to lightly fall as Mom said she felt the need to push.

She slowly brought her son into the world. The amazing midwives from Community Roots Midwife Collective were there to welcome Lincoln and make sure everyone was happy and healthy.

I love this main image of Lo Kawulok. So joyous while she helped the mom birth her placenta.

Most people are familiar with cord cutting but not cord burning. It is a much slower method that brings more intention to the act of separating the baby from its placenta. The box helps collect the hot protect mom and baby.

After spending about three hours documenting this beautiful home birth I made my way home to my family, bacon, and presents. Photographing a B seemed like the perfect way to start Christmas morning. I am forever grateful to the family that welcomed me into their birth and to my own family, especially my kids, that were just excited to celebrate Lincoln’s birth with me that morning.


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